2008 is quickly coming to a close and I want to thank those who stop by daily to read my latest antics. I appreciate all who subscrible to my Blog Feed, those who look at my photos and especially those who take the time to drop me an email or make a comment. I have "met" so many neat people who meandered upon my humble abode and cared to stay tuned. I feel missed when I get emails asking for an update and I happy when someone says a photo or post made them laugh. I sometimes think I need to "be funny" but then I just remember that the way I live my life has a comedic edge to it and I just need to be me. If that means showing photos of me with coke-bottle glasses or flour hand prints on my boobs than so-be-it. If that means sharing the embarrassing comments that my kids make than so be it. Just the other day my mom took the kids to Kohl's and while in that busy holiday check-out line Tyler said "I sure am tired" to which Joey loudly said (so everyone could hear him) "Well, at least you are not licking a toilet seat". He does have a good point there. That is my life. It is not a perfect one but the only one I have and I treasure waking up and putting my feet on the ground every day.
I do not make New Year's Resolutions in case any one is wondering. I believe dieting and health is a lifestyle and not a promise you make once a year and beat yourself up over. So in 2009 I hope to make more people laugh and hope my kids continue to supply me with good material. I pray for the Creative Gods to reign down on me. I will be thankful for each day I can walk up a mountain or run back to the school to drop off the homework the kids forgot (despite the fact I reminded them 42 times). I hope to continue to keep my helium arm down and instead do the things I choose to take on. And more importantly, I hope to let my family and friends know how much I love them and value our relationship.
So with that said I want to wish everyone……………….