At 41 years old I have this crazy notion in my head that everything should be perfect by now. Plans should be in place and I should be coasting, right? I mean you hit those bumps in the road and you wonder just what hit you square in the face but I have learned that I don't have it all figured out. I am not supposed to. New things will come up.
I realized as I am leaping and growing those wings there are so many holding out a safety net for me. What I do know is that I am surrounded by some darn amazing people. What has little 'ole me done to be so lucky to have that! Life is an adventure and there are some days I just do not want to crawl out of bed or I look up and say "Come on already! Stop giving me what you think I can handle because you are wrong".
But this I know….everything does happen as it should. I am where I need to be and so lucky to have those with me. And life is about that trust and that enjoyment. It may be a great song that pops on the radio, a picture I paint….the smiles on my kids faces, a good friend to eat pancakes with or those special someones who reach out. That pretty much explains my week. Whatever I have done I am going to keep on doing it…
I am blessed………Bring on March!
"Opening up doesn't mean you will fail…it just allows others to see what's really inside." ~Unknown