Time to enjoy today because tomorrow my life as I know it is over and I will be a slave to the kids. Opening Day for Soccer and Winter baseball is this week so my schedule will look something like this:
Monday – Micky Soccer Practice
Tuesday – Joey Baseball, Joey Soccer, Tyler Soccer
Wednesday – FREEDOM!
Thursday – Tyler Baseball, Tyler Soccer
Friday – Micky Gymnastics, Micky Soccer
Saturday – 3 soccer games
Sunday – 2 baseball games
Let the games begin and let me wave bye-bye to my life. Today we stayed close to home to bask in the freedom of our last weekend before the mayhem begins. I really think that when you are planning to have kids someone should hand you a manual and say "This is what to expect". I mean, they already have the book called "What to Expect When You are Expecting". How about the "What to Expect When You have Three kids in Sports" or how about "What To Expect When You have Two+ Kids"? Gee, in my spare time while I am sitting watching all those sports I should write those books.
Today I took the camera out to the pool to catch the kids eating up the last days of summer.
While cooking dinner Pete called me out to see a new guest who flew in for some steak and my mashed potatos. I ran back inside to grab my camera to capture our Hawk friend who perched himself (ok, could be a girl but I was not about to check) on our swing out back. Unfortunately, he could not stay for dinner (I think his bird friends told them about my cooking) so he showered himself and headed out.