When life gives you barley you have two choices, make cereal or better yet make……
Oh wait, I think the saying is "When life gives you lemons, make lemonade". Ok, well for all intensive purposes the beer was much better. After yesterday I needed one today. While yesterday was 2 steps back I was able to make a few forward today with the love and support of good friends.
First, my truck is no longer in the automotive infirmary and with some TLC and $384 bones the green machine is back on the road. Yeah, for auto mechanics!
I was also able to put a few chores behind me and check those off the list. Then I had pre-arranged plans to meet Victoria and Janine at our local "establishment" for some girl chat, laughs, and bonding time. I cannot tell you how good it felt to sit down with my girly "peeps" and recap my crazy week. Just happy I lived through it to talk about it. And in their loving ways, they smiled right along. Victoria had to cut it short but Janine and I were one beer and one song away from getting up and singing karaoke. Now that would have been a sight.
We then questioned how our local "establishment" has become a comfortable place for us moms LOL. I used to pass it and see the motorcycles out front and wonder 'who hangs out in there". Well, now I know………..it is tired moms who love a nice cold one every now and again and a very good big burger (They are yummy!).
We got quite a giggle out of that. It is slightly different when you show up at 5 pm and the "regulars" are not there but it was fun to watch them enter as we were leaving and just like the real bar Cheers "everybody knows your name". We have not established that status yet but I have high hopes LOL
Thanks girls for the enjoyable "barley & hops" time. As always, you both have the ability to keep my feet on the ground. I am blessed.