Well, all sanity has been lost in my house…….yes, the Furball has gone to the bed.  Not only has Penny gotten herself quite comfortable but now she demands to be up there.  Are you kidding me?  Have I lost my marbles?

Not only does she get up there but she has this smug attitude like she belongs there more than I do!


and what kind of puppy porn is this……


Now she will learn not to play with me because I will post photos of her post surgery and with a bad shave job!  She had to remember who the real Princess is around here.

…and before anyone inquires about her bed habit, it does not include nighttime!  Thank heavens for her kennel because she is in no way invading my nighly sleep!  Why do I feel like any rule I set is going to be broken. The madness has to be stopped!


Happiness is a warm puppy.  ~Charles M. Schulz