There are days when email and mail are so much fun!  I will admit that I love mail/email in May.  My in-box abounds with nice messages.  I wanted to share one more email from someone regarding my Gratitude Journal.  I inspired her to create her own and she emailed me images of what she created:


Thank you for the inspiration you have provided with your gratitude journal.  As I was working on mine last night and began to review the pages I realized mine became a love letter to my husband.  We only see him every two week because of his job and I found that my pages center on him and our relationship ups and downs but always end with love.  Sappy, right?  🙂


I asked her into sharing some pages with me and made sure it was ok that I share with you!

Cindy1 Cindy4
Cindy2 Cindy5

Thank you Cindy for sharing with me and all of us!  Through my Gratitude Journal I had so much fun and I feel so thankful for all the emails I continue to get from people who are experiencing the same! 

So back to mail time.  With that said I want to thank everyone for the birthday cards that I am getting!  I just love to check the mailbox.  Celebrating this week and loving all the pretty mail!  Someone asked where they can send cards and I have no issue soliciting for them to see the endless creativity!

Helmar USA, Inc.
Attn:  Tracy Weinzapfel
PO Box 3405
Ramona, CA  92065

You get bonus points if you use Helmar products!  (of course you know I check LOL!). 

It is almost time for me to embrace 41! But look how excited everyone is…..

Relay For Life 2011-2139-jump2-rs 
                                                                      (Photo courtesty of

  Have a great week everyone! 


 "Start Every Day with a Grateful Heart" ~Unknown