Between travel and work life is VERY BUSY.  Tyler is busy looking for his future college path and that is no small feat.  Senior year is busy and lots of working for him.  Love when I get the pictures from my peeps who spot him at the grocery store.  I am always thankful for the time he is home.

Most days we run a full time taxi service here for the various practices and games.  Most weekends you can find us at the courts……..the fields and behind home plate.  I would have it no other way.

Proud of my goalie who only let one goal go by and it was a penalty kick….


Micky started middle school basketball and is having one heck of a year!

Bball1 Bball2

She finished a great year of recreation basketball by making the Allstar team….proud of our girls and great to see Micky enjoying the game so much!

Allstar2 Allstar1

When the games are home we are taking in Aztec Baseball Games.  Any glimpse of #26 makes our hearts happy…..working hard!



We are behind each and every one of them and hope they know that the home team is the most important team.

IMG_5054From our team to yours……have a great weekend!

The greatest compliment you can give to a child is to believe in them and let them know you care.  When you see something true, good and beautiful in them, don’t hesitate to express your admiration.  When you see something that is not true, good and beautiful in them, don’t neglect to give them your wholehearted assistance and guidance.  The simple act of believing that your child is capable and worthy makes a big difference.  It gives them confidence and makes them feel qualified to do great things.”