The Ribbon Ring people contacted me to use their storage product and give my opinion. You are offering me a solution to store my mass amounts of ribbon? Count me in. Let me tell you this simple little piece of plastic
and a binder ring is AWESOME! I am sucker for a good storage idea and it has to be an idea that actually works. The Ribbon Ring store ribbon, rick rack, twill, etc. and and lets you organize them by color, theme, texture, etc. I am hooked!
The great thing about it was I put the kids to work putting the rick rack that was crammed in one of my drawers on the ribbon tags. I am a firm believer that if you cannot see it, you will not use it.
I have decided to purchase hooks for my wall to hang each of the rings from but for now I have the Ribbon Ring conveniently hanging next to my cardstock that puts it at my finger tips. When I get the hooks I am going to divide them by size, type and color. They are so easy to use and have at your fingertips. All you need to do is grab the card with the particular ribbons you want to use. This is just the ring with my rick rack alone! I cannot believe how much it holds too.
There is more ribbon crammed in drawers that need a home and three kids with able fingers to help me out! I will make sure to share my new wall of ribbon when I get those hooks. Thank you Ribbon Ring!