I have been feeling a bit lost creatively and finding that life’s little details get to me.  It is funny how my life and art are so intertwined.  When I let life’s details get to me t blocks the one thing that releases who and what I am about. It is a vicious circle that I I have felt caught in so this Sunday morning I decided to break that circle and just create.  With my new (LET IT GO) journal I got last night from Blick (yes a trip to Little Italy always seems to open up the creative muscles).


I got my tea and locked myself in the Studio for some Let it Go Time.

I clicked on Pandora and the first song that came on was The Sun will Rise by Kelly Clarkston (ironically due to the time change I was up early this morning before the kids)………some of the lyrics that rang true:

I can see the weight there in your eyes
I can feel the thorn in your side
Your knuckles are bruised from a losing fight
One way down a dead end street
Broken glass underneath your feet
You think the day won’t break the sunless night
The sun will rise…
When you’ve lost your lights
The sun will rise
It’ll be alright…
I’ve been in stuck in a storm before
Felt the wind raging at my door
Couldn’t move, couldn’t breathe, couldn’t find a way out
Somehow my clouds disappeared
Somehow I made it here
Maybe just so you could hear me say
The sun will rise
The sun will rise (The sun will rise)
When you’ve lost your lights
The sun will rise
It’ll be alright (It’ll be alright)

And though you can’t see it’s
So hard to believe it
Sometimes you just need a little faith (All you need is a little faith)
There’s an answer to your prayer
And I swear that there’ll come a day, yeah
The sun will rise

So with a challenge from Paula to “Orange, yellow, and brown
and birds. That is your assignment, GO!!!”  I just painted……


It felt great…..


I took charge of the Artist Block.  Time to break that circle myself and find me..


and as I wrote this tag came to me on Facebook from Lisa Mita;

What I am thankful for…. Finding
artists like donna downey
Limor Webber Dyan Reaveley – Dylusions,
Tracy Weinzapfel
Dina Speed
and many many more via youtube, Facebook, Pinterest and
finding my Art Gene… The healthy in myself that has happened over the last year
words can not express…”

I am thankful for those around me who push me, inspire me and remind me The Sun will Rise but it starts with me.  ♥

Artist Block……..got it? experienced it? It SUCKS!  Break the Circle…LET IT GO!  Release life’s details….I am off to paint another one…..for me! ♥
“Sometimes the greatest dreams that come true are the dreams you never even knew you had.  It’s about open-minded exploration.  There are no wrong turns in life, only paths you didn’t know you were meant to walk.  You never can be certain what’s around the corner.  It could be everything, or it could be nothing.  You keep putting one foot in front of the other, and then one day you look back and realize you’ve climbed to the peak of the most beautiful mountaintop.”