8:00 AM
There are days I think a video camera should be following me around to give everyone a snapshot of my life.  This would be one of those days.  Do you ever wake up and know this may be one of the worse days just by what you have to do.  If having the kitchen gone and small bathroom gone and scattered around the house was not enough then how about emptying all closets for Dsc_0192painting AND emptying my entire scrapbook studio into the living room for painting tomorrow.  AND…….the twins woke up sick.  True to the 7-10 day incubation time they got what Tyler had last week.  Did I mention that last night when fitting the new vanity into the small bathroom the hot water line broke.  So after two trips to Home Depot (one to exchange the vanity and then one to get the fittings) it was 10 pm and we had no water.  That would have just been the cap on this whole deal.  Thankfully after messing with it Pete and I decided we needed the help of a friend and we called our neighbor.  Very knowledgeable in Dsc_0191plumbing he got things back connected and thankfully water turned back on.  I was not too proud at that moment to yell out I needed help.  Pete was reluctant but there was no stopping me for dialing that phone.  Dsc_0195The good thing is I still have the ability to laugh at everything that is going on but soon those laughs might be mixed with tears.  I am willing myself tthrough these next three days. 

And I am thanking God that we have the ability to put this roof over our head and make it even a nicer place to live.  That is my new mantra and I am repeating it often so I start to believe it.  Now off the get those closets emptied.

Spent my afternoon at Home Depot  buying Vanity #4 and thinking of some slight modifications to fit it in the bathroom.  Twins were troopers so decided to reward them with bubble gum.  That always keeps them going.  Went home to start emptying that office.  Micky was such a big help.  She helped me empty the entire room into the living room.  Meanwhile, Joey played on the XBox…..typical man.  He did not lift a finger LOL 

3:30 PM
Went to pick up Tyler from Janine’s.  What a gem she is for taking him to school AND picking him up AND…..cutting his hair.  I went over there to relax for a moment, have a seat, and eat chocolate.  Tyler was in dire need of a buzz cut so she took the clippers to his curly head and with all the boys watching got a much needed haircut.  Isn’t that a great friend….childcare, chocolate and a clip!  She is a one-stop shopping friend.  As I pulled out of her driveway the call came in.  Our cabinet maker called and dropped the bomb.  "….I will not be able to install the cabinets until next weekend…. warping, I know you are mad".  My heart stopped but I took it in stride.  What could I do but call the counter-top and tile people to move all the installations one week.  My fingers, toes, legs, and hairs are all crossed that it happens next week.  I swear if I were a crier this would have been the moment the tears started flying but I pulled myself up by my bootstraps and went home to put everything back in the closets.  Rob, our painter will be back tomorrow at 9:00 am to paint my office.  He saw by the look in my eye that hell or high water he will be here tomorrow.  He may be able to wrap up everything.  He has been great to work with but after three weeks he is ready to get the heck out of here.  The best part of the day was seeing the newly painted accent wall in our room.  Beautiful!

7:00 PM
Sitting at Outback Restaurant with the family.  I needed to get out of the house tonight so we went out to eat.  We started the one week celebration of the twins birthday.  We had a nice dinner and then they came with their deserts and sang Happy Birthday.  The look of surprise was priceless.  Of course, I forgot the camera but it will go to the next restaurant. 

10:00 PM
Dsc_0202_4 We came home and I finished the office.  Ever wonder what my scrapbook studio looks like in the living room?  My mantle makes a wonderful place to store all my foam stamps.  Needless to say I have certainly outgrown that corner with the window where everything used to be!  Since I am unable to create I sat down and addressed by Christmas cards!  I am happy to say that I am done with that little task and they are ready to be mailed.  I have never been that on top of things.  Dsc_0204

So now I am sitting in my desolate room.  Tomorrow this will be given a nice yellow color and then the work will begin to put it all back together.  Holding out hope that I like this last color.   

So to sum it all up.  This morning at 8 am I could feel that not all would go as planned.  That just comes with remodeling and construction.  Heck with my degree in construction you would think I would expect it.  I am now going to be an advocate of positive thinking.  Tomorrow will be the first day of putting things back in order.  I still think someone should follow me with that video camera.  I would like to sit back and watch this day with a nice big bucket of popcorn.