Sunday I made time to paint……just paint. I have been asked to make a few cards by someone for hire and decided to take that small format and just paint and play for myself. It feels so great to just take some basic supplies and some watercolor cards and just paint…..
Here the are the cards I created…
These will be for sale on twStudios Esty Store and at my next two Art Walks in October. October is gearing up to be a busy month and going into it with inspiration feels nice. Details to come!
These cards are simple, the are me, they feel good…..that is about all I can ask from my art. It feels good to branch your art out. I am thankful for this day in my studio. It was a VERY busy weekend and one that I am glad ended quietly. The kids were about with friends allowing me some time to catch up around the house.
Love my Village! Blessed this Sunday.
"Your work is to discover your work and then, with all your heart, to give yourself to it."