Today Kelly and I returned to Mother Nature for our walks on the mountain. This is the first time in two months and let me tell you we were both huffing and puffing like two smokers running a marathon. I felt things jiggling and wiggling that have no right to be moving in the first place. The amount of complaining coming from the two of us was unbelievable. And now I am sore! Oh wait, Kelly if you are reading this I am just joking to be funny. I feel great, exhilarated and wonderful. Ok, forget that! I am achy and sore and had to soak my sore muscles in the tub. Imagine Miss Hiker-Pants soaking her sore muscles in a tub eating a bowl of steamed cauliflower. There was even Epsom salt involved. I really hope Kelly is not reading this because I like to lie to her and tell her I feel great. But Holy cat pants I am sore! Now I know the thought of me sitting in a tub soaking eating steamed cauliflower is a bit of a stretch so sorry about the visuals on that one. What can I say, no one else joined me for dinner and the bath tub seemed as good a place as any to eat it.
Today we decided to set my cell phone alarm for 30 minutes and then turn back. I swear that alarm went off and we ten-hutted back from whence we came. And Kelly was the ever nature lover stopping to feel the moss and admire the greenery but I know her M.O. She could care less about the foliage but does that to get a quick rest. Of course I had to bring along the camera…….. Working the Dimple!
But on the positive side, it was great to get back out there with Kelly and catch up. That girl helps me find my funny. Now I wish she would help me find a muscle relaxer. So rest assured those jiggles and wiggles will be short-lived because I am back. Kelly is now going to be motivated to hike up those mountains if I have to carry her (and trust me, that seemed like it could of happened today). Her husband has all but threatened me if I did not take her. So watch out Kelly, no more Misses Nice-Hiker (once I stop huffing and puffing). Don't mess with me! You know a true friend when she gets your best side!