Today progress was made in cleaning things up to prep for the paint. We went shopping for the microwave, refrigerator, TV, tile floor and counter tops. We fit in a lot all before the Chargers Game. Even more important we removed the entertainment stand from the house, rearranged the furniture and got the family room ready for a new TV. Plus we went through Pete’s old papers from work and such and made 5 bags of garbage. I actually got him to sit down and throw things out! Gotta love that. Tomorrow the painter will start on removing the acoustic ceiling from the bedrooms. I am still in a quandary as to what color to paint my office. I know I saw a scrapbook room painted a beautiful color of yellow but for the life of me I cannot remember where I saw it. I want my studio to remain bright but yet colorful. This is the most important room to me. I need to make that big decision in the next few days. UGH! I was just happy throwing everything away. I have a heck of a pile to donate this week. I am not looking forward to another week of dust but sure am anxious to get that color on the walls. I am just wondering how long this will take to get everything done…will we have Counters for Christmas? My new song will be "All I want for Christmas is my counters and my kitchen back, my kitchen back"…..
I also laid down today and took a nice nap. It was a deep sleep that I really needed. I think things are catching up with me. Tomorrow I have a full day. Workout, preschool Halloween party, Work at the office, and hopefully fit in a meeting with the flooring contractor to measure. I hate Monday’s but as always I will take it one thing at a time.
Did I mention I was able to create yet another layout for Fiber Scraps. And I wonder why I am so tired. Maybe this is my way of keeping my sanity.