Traveling to Hawaii a few weeks ago I have to say I felt uninspired. I was just tired.  Things have been busy.  I was excited for the trip but needed the down time.  My art journal accompanied us and on the way there this was all I could muster up which is so unlike me……..



There was little downtime on our trip but I did take a break while John was resting to do these….

Hawaii_Flower Hawaii_Leaves


The great thing was my surroundings while I painted and John was resting from our many hikes..



The flowers and foliage were just so beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!!!


On the way home it was a whole other story!  I felt refreshed from the trip, time with my fella, and soaked in all the pretty flowers.  I painted ALL these on the return plane ride home.

Journal2 make_a_rule Journal1

I was painting like crazy and did not even break to nap where usually I sleep on planes.  So I was excited to return to the studio and take in my of the creative mojo.  It just goes to show how you can be so inspired by your surroundings and do not forget to stop and smell the roses.  In our case the hibiscus!

The toughest battles you’ll ever fight will begin between your own two ears.  Before you get the rest of the world onboard, you’ll have to convince the biggest critic of all – YOU!  There are a lot of things that are going to get in your way in life, don’t let yourself be one of them.”