Remember what I shared last week HERE and on Monday night?.  Well, there has been a creative hum in my studio…not the typical hum of paint brushes and paints but that of my beloved sewing machine…..

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Me of all people is sewing and loving it!  I have been making my own journals for years and now this idea has grown wings….

So my creative energy is being put to good use…

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Which is turning into happy mail going in the trusty hands of my mailman……

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and many have emailed me if it is too late?  IT IS NOT TOO LATE!  The sewing machine is still out, I just got my next order of canvas and my daughter and I have an assembly line of productivity!


8.5 x 11 and 5" X 5"  Canvas Journals – CLICK TO ORDER:

They can also be purchased HERE on twStudios Etsy Store HERE:

I will be tying this in to my LIVE Monday night Ustream shows which are FREE!  Each show will be recorded too so you can catch them over and over.  The mini journal I have a plan for everyone and the theme is Gratitude.  I will be sharing more on that SOON!

Thank you to all who have ordered…they are on their way!  This week the sewing machine…next week I master cooking………JUST KIDDING!  I end this post with a quote I embrace each and every day….


"Everyone wants a perfect ending.  But over the years I’ve learned that some of the best poems don’t rhyme, and many great stories don’t have a clear beginning, middle, or end.  Life is about not knowing, embracing change, and taking a moment and making the best of it without knowing what’s going to happen next."