Two baseball games. Thankfully I wore a tank top so my tan is off to a great start! I was at the fields from 11 am to 4 pm. Micky is such a trooper to tag along with us. Thankfully there is a playground for her to play on during Tyler’s games. It was hot (85 degrees!) and sunny!. Joey had a fun game and Tyler had a great game. Tyler made an awesome catch playing second to throw someone out at first. That was fun for him. He is still working on that batting but the new glasses helped him see the ball!
We came home to Pete who was home early. We come to find out he was in a car accident this morning on the way to work. He got cut off and thankfully there was an guardian angel on his shoulder and after three 360’s he landed in a ditch. He was towed out with believe it or not, minimal damage to the car. It was one of those nudges from above that got him thinking. Thankfully he was home safe to us!
Last night Janine came over and we made presents for Victoria for Taylor’s birthday. I got the scrap little Taylor how is such a cute. I made this page for him. He is quite the little character. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TAYLOR!
Today I also called my grandma’s house where my family gathered to celebrate my grandma’s 93rd birthday! That is just amazing. Unfortunately, at age 93 talking on a cell phone is not that easy but she was excited to hear from me and her grand-grandkids. Everyone passed the phone around so I could talk to them. I always get a little homesick at these time. Being at my grandma’s was one of my most favorite childhood memories. There was always good food, loud conversations and lots of laughing.
Well, yesterday I went blond again. OK, just highlighted with a new cut. I like my new look. I am noticing it is harder to look younger nowadays! My days of getting carded are long behind me….can you tell I have a birthday looming LOL.
HAPPY St. Patrick’s Day!