You know you have great friends when you can make a evening out of planet crossing in front of the sun. We were able to do just just that last night when Venus passed in front of the sun. We did just that last night and got some great shots!
Now being that I have no intentions for being aound for then next one in 105 year this was a once in a lifetime event! Glad I could celebrate with friends and thanks to Mike for having the filter and the patience to play "camera settings" with me! This was a fun collaborative effort!
What a great night and thanks to all who celebated Venus tonight with us…
Darn…no pictures of Tina..the Venus Hostess with the mostess!!!
See Tina…I told you Vodka goes with Venus! I so am looking forward to Mercury or some some of eclipse situation for our next astronomy party! What a great night with friends!
"laugh as much as you breath and love as much as you live" ~Unknown