and had the best time Up North Michigan. It was so great to be back with my cousins! I just love being with them!………..
We had such a great time on Sunday at my Aunt Linda and Uncle Chris’s (Did I mention what great hosts they are?). I have to admit that when I took the kids up to Mackinac and we planned on spending the night we all took a vote and it was unanimous to go back and fore go the hotel because we missed them. Now we are all feel the void. In true Weinzapfel form Sunday was filled with competition after competition……….
Hula Hoop Competition
Need I say who the big winner was?
Baseball Game
What would the game be without controversy?
or some cheating?
Tie Game!
But what was all this about…………being with the best family in the world. This is who I am and where I came from. You can always come home. Thank you to my Aunt Linda, Uncle Chris, Aunt Dianna and Harry for taking us in, taking good care of us, feeding us, and welcoming us home. The wave good-bye was a hard one…….
We are back downstate and my brother is here to spend the last few days with us. The kids are excited to be playing with Uncle Timmy but I am not sure who is wearing out whom first. All I know is I have someone to entertain them while I rest up………….
Tomorrow is Cedar Point for Tyler and I with my Aunt Audrey, Uncle Larry and Christine.