I had a busy weekend going from one thing to another but would not change it for the world. My weekend included an awesome football game on Friday with friends (LEAGUE CHAMPS)
Margaritias with two great friends I have known for over 17 years……
I walked in rememberance of my friend Alicia…….♥ It was a special evening.
It was an emotional weekend with lots of tears I will admit. I also found out that a fellow mom and church member had passed away on Saturday night and after talking with her mutual dear friend we are reminded just how blessed we are This weekend some children lost their mother, a husband lost his wife and she was a lot to a lot of people. You impact those around you. Never underestimate the influence you have on those around you.
I received this message on Sunday from home as just that reminder:
I washed my car, went to Costco, got a pedicure, slept in on Saturday and just took some time off. It has been while since I did that. For that I am thankful to carve out that time. When the kids returned on Sunday night I was refreshed, refueled and we had MILK! You gotta love that time. Nice how a couple of days can refuel you and remind you just how important you are in this thing called life. Value every minute of it!
“Sometimes you just need to rest, think and be thankful. Go ahead and withdraw from the cares of the world that will not withdraw from you. Every person needs some time away – a few calm moments every day to consciously separate the productive from the busy and the past from the present. Commitments, obligations, family, employers and friends can exist during this time frame without you. You deserve this time away in which no problems are faced and no solutions explored.”