Well, if having the kitchen gone was not enough we decided to go ahead and demo the small bathroom. We wanted to do that before we paint and before the tile goes in. I am thoroughly enjoying washing my face and dishes in the same sink! Tomorrow I am thinking of showering with the pots and pans LOL. After a trip to Home Depot Pete and I came home with a new vanity, counter/sink, faucet & towel rack. Then it was on to Pete’s favorite job. He may not be a carpenter by trade but boy oh boy can he demo things. He immediately took to it and demo’d the bathroom. I know our painter (who called sick today…hmmmm wonder where he caught that) will be thrilled to show up to a whole new scope of work. He just may move in with us. He will need to get that bathroom and kitchen painted by this weekend when our cabinets go in. I am hoping that by next weekend when I can put a few things away I will be feeling better. It is interesting serving breakfast out of the same bowl. Tyler got to some really chocolate milk in the bowl this morning since he was last. Thanksgiving will be real interesting. My mom asked if we will be passing the leg of the turkey down the line. I laughed but who knows!
The good news is the play structure was completed tonight. This kids were thrilled to start playing on it. I am still reveling in that find! Pete said it look real great in the backyard.
I have been feeling a bit over-whelmed of late and feel like I am skimming over things and making mistakes. I decided I need to be thankful for all that is going on in my life and take it one step at a time. I have so much to be thankful for and this could not be a more fitting time with Thanksgiving coming up. Also, my babies turn FIVE next week. I cannot believe it. I have a lot on my plate but decided I need to do a little something for their birthday with their friends. I am hoping I can pull something together. It may be a cake at a park but know they would love to spend their birthday with their close friends. I got Micky a big TinkerBell rug for her room. I am going to do her room in TinkerBell and would love to have it done on her birthday (a mom can wish). Not sure about Joey but I am sure he would love new games for Tyler’s XBox. How can I have a five year old who already plays XBox. I need to get on that this weekend.
Speaking of being thankful……….the twins did a project for school listing what they are thankful for (click on each picture for full size):
Gotta love them! I am thankful for that little JoJo too.
P.S. Thanks for all the postive feedback on my blog. I think people are tuning in just to see how many plates I can juggle before they fall. I am getting there!