Yep, I am proud to announce that I have reached a whole new level! And the sad thing is my good friends would not even bat an eyelash at this one since it is me we are talking about. As everyone knows, I love Pine Sol. It smells clean and I am always wiping things down with it. That is part of my morning and night routine. Years ago I told my friends that I need to invent "Mop Socks". I needed a pair of socks to put on as I walk around the kitchen that will mop for me. Well, today I found the solution and it only cost $3!
While at Costco with the kids I spotted these car washing clothes in the auto section. They fit on your hands. But the light bulb went off in my head and I wondered if they fit on my feet. (Image three embarrased kids that their mom is actually trying these on her feet in the isle!). Sure enough…….perfect fit!
They came three to a pack (fashionable orange, green & blue) with two towels all for $3! Now in the morning I can make my oatmeal and mop my floor at the same time! Now that is what I call multi-tasking. Does anyone suspect that the Pine Sol is getting to me? Clearly, this may be my last post before I go to the white padded room but with these "Mop Socks" those white walls will be Pine Sol Clean!