1/5/2016 WOW a response! I loved reading each and every word and ask my fella to pick a random number and that he did….Lucky Comment #10 Carisa is the winner! Email me at info@tracyweinzapfelstudios.com to claim your prize! Thanks everyone for sharing! MORE (my word) fun to come!
Well….I really struggled with my word of the year for 2016! My prior year words have been wonderful to practice and share:
WRITE (2015)
BELIEVE (2014)
BREATHE (2013)
TRUST (2011)
I put it out there and got lots of suggestions and loved them! It was hard to choose then I saw this……
and while I know there were lots of suggestions for me to slow down I decided the opposite. I want MORE…………More of what I already enjoy in life such as this list. Not a greedy MORE but just MORE opportunity to keep doing what I love, share what I love and be with those I love. Not a wish for MORE time, more money or material things. The loss of my good friend in 2015 taught me to make use of the time we have. Not wish for more or regret what we did not do. I want MORE of what MATTERS. And knowing what matters at all times. Keeping my feet firmly planted in the things that matter. The things that I love are exactly those things; long walks, sunsets, tea, painting, laughing, being with my family and friends. I love my work and what it means to me. So MORE of those things………..
Please share and leave a comment with what your one word is for 2016 and what it means to you. I will pick a random winner upon return from CHA to send a set of my brand new Totally Tracy 2016 stamps…
Thank you an amazing 2015 and being part my world. What I give out comes back tenfold and there is MORE for all of us in 2016…
You touched people’s lives that you don’t even know about. You were protected from situations that you never saw coming, and so you don’t even know how big that protection was. You overcame things that you weren’t expecting and you made it through days that sometimes you weren’t sure you could make it through. You saw beautiful things, met beautiful people, and shared your beauty too. This year might have been a chapter that you are thankful is over, and it might have been one that made you laugh and that you will fondly remember. This year might be right in the middle of a chapter and story has not played out yet…..your story goes on from here. This year you grew. This year you learned. This year you had 12 whole months of brand new experiences that are a part of YOUR story. This year your story was rich with ups and downs, tragedy and triumph. This year you made it through.” ~Brave Girls
I hear you with your “More” word. Just over this holiday season I have heard of 2 deaths close to home and one case of an operation saving a life. So I get it. I have reflected the same want. “More” is a good word. May I share it with you?
BY ALL MEANS! Would be an honor ♥
My word is “challenge” for 2016, I am challenging myself to discover new techniques, to be more adventurous and courageous in my art journey. Wishing a happy 2016!
great one! Happy 2016!
RECLAIM!! After being diagnosed with Lupus late in 2015….I chose to treat my disease with diet and supplements (NOT medication)….. already feeling the difference. It is now time To RECLAIM my life! Push past the pain, get things done, enjoy every moment and make time for my ART and Myself. 🙂
I love your word of the year! Mine is “Focus”, I need to concentrate on the right/good things in my life this year amidst all the caca.
Bloom is my word for 2016…I want to become the beautiful creature I was created to be…to be content yet ready for each new adventure, taking time to enjoy each moment as it happens and to learn the lessons I am meant to learn!
My word is abundance to appreciate and share what I have with others.
I love this! My word is freedom – freedom to break free, ignore those fears and doubts, letting go of the ropes holding me down.
My word for 2016 is “trust”. The last few years have been tough for us, healthwise, financially, and we’ve lost several family members. I have to trust it’s going to get better, and I have to trust our loved ones are in a far better place.
I’ll be “positive”. After some negative events in 2015, as a family, we have decided that what ever happens will be good – if life knocks you down, get up and look right back at it. Straight in the eye. Bring it on!
Happy 2016 and beyond, everyone!
that is right!
I’m struggling to find my word (as I do every year!) I thought about complete because I want to complete projects and classes and generally just everything about me that I start but never finish. Then I lean toward fearless because fear is something I struggle with a lot. Then I come to content because one of my biggest things is having discontent in my heart about myself, comparing myself to others, etc. So……I think I really should choose content because I can be content with the unfinished part of me and maybe finding contentment in ME will help me to complete those other areas, too?! Who knows! haha Do you actively work on your word all year?
Love that Carisa!!!
I love your word. I’ve never chosen a word before for the year not that I didn’t want to but I found it to be impossible to pick just one. I was thinking the other day what kind of person I would like to be and knew my word for 2016 had to be”Confidence”. I have struggled all my life with low self-esteem and it has held me back. My wish for myself is to have the confidence to put my work out there and not worry about whether it is good enough. Also to have the confidence to try more new things. Happy New Year!
great one!!!!!!!!!!! I too have that same issue and love that word! ♥
After much thought, I have decided on ABSORB……. Learn and absorb as much as I can – plus lets absorb some of this scrap stash and use it. I do think I need your stamps to help with this! Happy 2016, and have a great and safe trip to CHA.
My word is “BEGINNINGS”…this is going to be the first full year since my husband moved to Heaven…so I am looking forward to what God and 2016 has in store for me…looking forward to new beginnings of all kinds in my life.
Blessings to you Dorothy in this new year ♥
My word would be piece, to be calm, relax, enjoy what ever I am doing, to be at piece.
My word for 2016 is….fearless. Meeting each challenge head-on, moving forward, continuing to strive. Bring it!!!
Hi Tracy,
My word is JOY
I have a rubber stamp that says:
Jesus first
Others second
Yourself last
This is the first time I’ve picked a word for the year. I’m excited to journal about it and have had plans to get a joy tattoo before I picked the word.
Just started my joy journal today and can’t wait to really get into it and see where God and I go this year.
Happy New Year!
My word is going to be “Less”
Less of what weighs me down, in order to attract what feeds my soul and nourishes my body.
LOVE our words together! ♥
Love your word Tracy. My word is Trust. As in myself, the universe, art, goodness, etc. I found myself getting fearful with the terrors in the world. So I am going to trust more. Happy New Year. Wish I could go to CHA, have fun!
Love your word Tracy, I know you will live up to it well! My word for the year is DISCIPLINED. I want to be disciplined in my health, fitness, faith, career. I feel if I am more disciplined in those areas, it will greatly have a positive effect on what is most to me, my family.
thank you for the awesome give a way, here is to 2016 and some great inspiration on MMM 🙂
I was hoping it would not come off ungrateful like I don’t have enough. Love your word too!
My word is let go .Time to let go of lots extremely we do t need any more,let go of hurt feelings,let go of so much it will take all year to let go of everything !
Hi Tracy, My word for 2016 is “Invest”. This isn’t meant in the financial way. It’s pertaining to my life. Invest in my family, invest in my friends, invest in me – health, wellness, artistic endeavors, self-promotion. I could go on and on, but you get the idea 🙂
My word is tolerance of opinions or behavior that I don’t not necessarily agree with
My word is Joy- to remind me to find joy in the little things!
My word is Cherish – a reminder to be kind and forgiving to myself <3
(Faith )may I draw from this to keep me pointed in the right direction
My word for 2016 is journey. Sometimes I focus too much on where I’m headed instead of stopping to just love the journey. 🙂 I love the word you decided. It’s perfect.
Love your word – my word is “wisdom” – the wisdom to make the right choices, wisdom to let things go, wisdom to grow
There are so many great suggestions, I don’t recall all of them but I would say ” more freedom to create” , more ideas, more wine, lol I don’t know. Hahaha
My word this year is Simplicity. I have felt the need to simplify my life, I have too much, things I do not and will not use. I feel scattered with too many interests, being pulled in too many directions. Simplicity is just so important to me and I hope to achieve it during the course of 2016
My 2016 word is LIVE. It’s meaning for me is kind of the same of yours. Living to experience more of what’s important!
Great one! great reminder!
Last year my word was hope, this year it is healing and happiness, made it over the hump and now it is time to move forward.
It is one step at a time always ♥ great word
My word is “Time”. I need to try to not waste time on things that don’t matter and use my time for the important things no matter how small.
My word is PROMISE…the promise is to me,myself, that what I need and want out of life is as important as what I give to others, the time , the efforts,the work,the fun…I work,no strive to do for others as much as I can, and I do……and that sometimes puts me on the back burner, so this year, all things will be evaluated and thought over hard, and some passed back to their owner, and more time made to enjoy things that I enjoy……
My word is “Peace”. This words means a lot for me. Creating peace and tranquility in many aspects of my life.
After reading all your wonderful comments and words for the year I am more confused than ever. But I think my word is going to be Passion, to follow my passion,
Like Roberta, my word for this year is Fearless. I’ve realized that I am never fully myself when I let fear sway my decision-making process. Too often I’ve made decisions such as these, “I want to go for a walk, but what if a neighborhood dog is loose and starts coming at me again?” So I don’t go for a walk. “What if that stranger thinks I’m a weirdo for helping her with her load of packages?” So I don’t help her and watch her struggle instead. Heck, I almost didn’t go on a trip to New York City that I won this year! What if the plane crashes? What if I get mugged? What if my son needs help with homework while I’m gone? What if I can’t afford to pay the taxes? (Yes, if you win a trip, you have to count the value as income.) I thought of every possible reason not to go. At the last minute, I decided to go. The plane trips were smooth. The driver didn’t forget to pick me up from the airport. The people of New York were friendly, courteous, and super-helpful. The sights were amazing. So yeah, Fearless is my new mantra.
Time to step out of your comfort zone and what a great word. You go Girl!
My word for the year is ‘FOCUS’ enjoyed doing the page & its such an apt word for me right now. Focus on art & other important things.
My word is FOCUS. I need to focus on what matters. Focus will bring clarity to get things done. Happy New Year!
I’ve never picked a word before but I like your word. More. That list is awesome. I need to do MORE of every one. 🙂
My word for 2016 is Gratitute! I think I need to be more grateful for my awesome life and appreciate the people who make my life awesome!
My word for the year is ‘LEARNING’…I want to be like a sponge and soak up everything possible…mixed media, watercolor, and on and on. Thanks for sharing all that you do and inspiring us, Tracy!
thank you!
My word is IMAGINE! I’m turning 50 this year and the possibilities of what I can imagine are endless…imagine the adventures, imagine the love, imagine the hope, imagine what I can create, imagine the growth, imagine the relationships, imagine what I can build…the list is endless! I’m looking forward to seeing what I imagine in 2016! Thanks Tracy for always inspiring!
My word is structure. I do better with a routine and I haven’ really had one without a 9-5, M-F job.
My word I think will be blessings. I want to really appreciate all my many blessings this year. It can be so easy to take them for granted and I don’t want to do that. I want to try and keep a journal with my blessings. Because when we stop and think of our blessings, things really don’t seem that bad in life. So my wish is that we all have more blessings this year.
My word for 2016 is RELAX. Last year was SO stressful. I got through it because my word was BREATHE and I learned to breathe deeply and meditate by following my breath. So I will continue to practice that to help me Relax this year!
My word would be LIBERATE, to unshackle myself from what holds me back, to release my body and spirit from any unsaid fears and enjoy the pure happiness and joy of creating 🙂
My word for 2016 is Move. For me it has a dual meaning. Move as in move my rear, I’ve been working out since July 2015 and I want to keep it up throughout 2016. And move as in move out the junk to simplify my life to have more time to spend doing the things I love. Your word is amazing Tracy!
my word is STRONG. i think i’m going to have to be stronger this year than i ever had before.
My word for 2016 is CRAFTY. I want to do more art, more crocheting etc. Last year I couldn’t do much due to a shoulder fracture. This year I will make lots of ATCs, cards and start with journalling :)!
My word is Enjoy. I’m a bit too much of a planner and tend to forget to fully enjoy everything that I’ve organized and worked for. I sometimes miss the good stuff
Accomplish …. I tend to be a thinker and procrastinator ….. planning in my head what intend to do . . . . I will get it done.
My word I think will be Love. to let the people I love know that they are loved everyday! To do more of what I love! to remember again that I love my daytime job and why I love it. to try new things to discover more things to love!
My word is “BE”. Just be in the moment and appreciate what you have.
My word for the year is LIFE. It seems that I’ve been just “existing” as of late, and it’s my desire to begin living my life OUT LOUD. Laugh, sing, dance, road trips, more time with friends and family, paint, blog, read, and all of those things that have made me feel ALIVE in the past. I’ve struggled through depression, and I have now kicked its butt. Yay me!
my word is grateful, because there is so much to be grateful for in this wonderful world we live in!
Love it!!
My word for this year is FOCUS. I had the same word last year, but did not commit to it. I lost focus on what mattered, so I didn’t get to reach any of my goals. I kept putting excuses, and wasting time, but this year I will not let myself get in the way. I will FOCUS on three main goals, study the word of God more, stop and spend time with my family and create something every day.
My word for this year is to be HAPPY. I want to be happy with who I am, with what I have achieved and with where I am taking my life.
The word is dare.I like to dare myself to break away from my mental shingle. I’ll like to dare my physical strength which seemed to play continuous hide n seek.
I keep changing my word. It was *Believe*, then changed to *Contentment*, then changed to *Stable*, but I think I’ve settled on *Trust*. Just trust that whatever *is* is what’s suppose to be. Acceptance would go right along with *Trust*. (love your streams and hope you’re having a BLAST at CHA!)
(that should have said STABILITY haha… although yeah… maybe I need to be mor *stable*? her!)
My word is Confidence…The confidence to step ahead…The confidence to be OK. <3
My word for this year is “Family” My world revolves around my family, our 4 kids and their spouses, our 12 grandchildren, my sisters and brothers-in-law, my brothers-in -law and their spouses, and my sister-in-law.
My word for 2016 is Trust. I chose Trust because this will be a life changing year. I will be retiring from my job as a Learning Resource Teacher after 30 years. My husband and I plan to relocate shortly thereafter ( dependent on when he gets a job /transfer ). We plan to move to Vancouver Island, BC. This will be a huge move and while it is what we want its also nerve wracking. I need to Trust that we are making the right decisions and that when it all becomes a reality I can deal with the chaos, the overwhelmingness and the doubts. Trust that it will happen when it’s supposed to happen.
Love this idea…my word this year would be “experience.” I want to experience things more, and fill my life with experiences rather than things. If that makes sense…
My word for 2016 is CONFIDENCE…….I have struggled many years about not having enough confidence….this year I hope to have a breakthrough in it….even if it is a small step…..the lack of this has kept me from doing many things so I will face this word.
My word is “HOPE”. Hope for peace, hope for getting my scrap room organized, hope that my kids, husband and myself will make good choices along the way and the list goes on for what is life if you do not have hope.
I like the word ‘more” but Ithink for me this year it will be serendipity. I need to move into fun and unique..
I’ve never chosen a word before, I thought a lot about my word and I chose Appreciate. Im a Mom of 5, all too often days go from one to another busy busy all the time. There’s so much more to it, but that word covers a lot of it. You all have such great words, i really enjoyed this post. Thanks !
I have never picked a word for the year before and love yours. Mine will be TRY! In the past I have lacked confidence to try new things creatively, thinking I wouldn’t measure up to others or my own expectations. So this year, I won’t have those regrets and will try everything I want to challenge myself with. Try!
I love reading everyone’s word and their reasoning. My word is Future-My husband past away in August and I’m trying to figure out who I am at a ripe young age of 63!
My word for this year is RISK. I’m very risk adverse. My challenge this year is to do things even if they seem impossible (for me) to do. And maybe it might take all year long. I think it’s worth the risk.
At this point, I am fairly certain my word for 2016 is “Stand”. I had been contemplating what my word for 2016 should be and was considering “Stand”, but really wasn’t sure it was right or even made sense, but the more I thought about it the more it started to make sense.
I have wanted to change my craft table from a sitting table to a standing one, that is kind of what started this whole train of thought. I need to stand more than I sit because we all know sitting too much isn’t healthy. So I want to stand more for health reasons. Also, I find that once I am sitting it more difficult to get up and and be productive…so if I’m already standing I am more likely to keep moving and to be more productive. I also want to stand more in emotional and spiritual ways as well. Stand up for what I believe (and speak up). Stand strong in my faith. Stand firm in my goals (focus). And also, once I am standing to take the next step (literally and figuratively) and MOVE. So, it was becoming more apparent that I should seriously consider embracing “Stand” as my focus for 2016, and yet, I still wasn’t quite ready to commit. I needed some confirmation…
The confirmation came when I got a text message from Michael’s…their storage items were on sale 50% off. I had been talking about buying four more cubes to raise my worktable up to countertop height (so I will have to stand to work). So off to Michael’s I went. When I looked at the available cubes and how much it would cost me, even at 50% off I would have had to spend $75 to $80 for them), This caused me some dismay and I was debating whether I should spend the money. While I was there pondering this expense I looked online for any coupons. They had one for 15% off entire purchase, including sale items. This brought the total cost of the cubes to a little over $60 including tax! I took that as confirmation!
God speaks to us in many ways and in many places, even in the Craft Storage aisle of my local Michael’s. LOL
My word is reclaim. 2015 was an extremely difficult year, dealing with the death of one of my children, life challenging medical diagnoses and marital issues. I feel like i have let an important part of myself go and it is time to reclaim her. My children need me more present and available in my life and theirs
When I saw your post tonight, I skimmed through “Word” and “Giveaway”, and thought, that’s what I need to do this year “Giveaway” my excess supplies, my knowledge, and my abundant love of creating arts and crafts projects. Ooops! That wasn’t your word? Oh, well, I hope you continue to Share YOUR Abundance with all of us throughout 2016!
LOL Jan! I should do that!
The word I suggested to you Tracy , I decided to keep for myself— INSPIRE. My goal is to be open to new things and letting others inspire me. And, who knows— I might just inspire someone else in the meantime!! Happy New Year!!!
I have just decided on my word for 2016 JOY, will be my word,
The JOY of the lord is my strength, I will Rejoice, and delight and have great pleasure in my art work this year. I have been blessed with a great talent to give JOY to others
My word is EMBRACE … having lost the love of my life in 2015, I need to find my way back … by embracing each day as it unfolds … by embracing the loved ones in my life… by embracing this precious gift of life that I have been given and making it count.
My word is “reach” and I would be so honored to share. I want to reach higher for personal strength, forgiveness, love, kindness and charity. Reach higher for more knowledge in the areas I love the most….sewing, mixed media, cooking, horticulture, and family…..Reach…one must reach to go forward!
My word is “Let Go ” .It’s been hard couple years for me and my loved ones.So letting go of anger,hurt,cancer,letting go of too much things,I could go on and on.Thanks for a chance to win and share with all of the group.
My word is Mercy. For others; family, friends, strangers and lastly myself. It is Pope Francis goal for the Church. The year of Mercy. Thought I will try to incorporate it into my daily life
great one! great Pope ♥
My word is “now”. Live now, love now, bloom now. Oh, the possibilities!
I love that too!
My word is Conquer. Conquer my fears, my self doubt, my negative thoughts, and my health issues. 2016 is a bright new year, full of light, hope and promise!
My word is patience!!!!!!
I chose connect. I want to build stronger connections with my spouse, children and build a tribe of friends. Building connections is my theme for the year.
I journal here and there, but I would love to do it more!! I’m going to pick a word and try this..I need more confidence, stability, persistence, I am an artist but have held myself back, I’ve been wanting to start YouTube videos, but haven’t the courage, so this year that’s my goal and think my word will be COURAGE!!
When I read your word Tracy, I was just so very very awed. I dare say this sentiment about this word’s meaning etc… would not even been a thought in years past. You have just changes and grown so much – in so many ways. I totally love the way you explained your MORE word. It touched my heart. And from the looks of all the replies here…. it touched many. And that is what it’s all about – you are reaching out and touching lives through your writing and through your art. FABULOUS.
I don’t have a word. I have never done anything like that. I have thought and thought and thought… but I still don’t have one. I have been a giver ALL my life… in fact find it hard to receive. I’m not a gracious receiver at all!!! So… I thought of the word FAVOR… because for once… it would be so fun to see something I did succeed or for some tiny dream of mine to come true. But then I decided that sounded so selfish!!!!!! And I have no respect for selfish people so I threw Favor out too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I KNOW… I’m overthinking!!! Anyway – enough rambling!!!
Just know that your word and your writing of your thoughts about it was WONDERFULLY INCREDIBLE and that I think you chose the PERFECT word for you this year. Believing it to me a SUPER FINE year for you in every way with MORE MORE MORE!!!!!!!!!!!!! Big hugs. j.
Right back at you! I was hoping people would not take my word the greedy way. I just love what I do and more fun, laughs and time with those I love! ♥
HUGS TO YOU! Time to paint girl!
Happy is my word for this year I am Happy and just want happiness in my life.
that is a great word!!!!!!!!!!!!
Such a great exercise! I really pondered to find my word for the year and I came up with EMBRACE. Days seem so fleeting-filled to the brim with a million things everyday-every minute. With my busy life, sometimes I get so busy that I don’t get to embrace MY CRAZY….spend time with my friends…or really appreciate my wonderful gift and passions. This year, I will hug myself more, spend more time doing what I love, sharing my craft and hanging out with my friends and plan to EMBRACE
every opportunity that comes my way!
I love that Gisele!
Trust is my word this year. Trust more, more trust. I need to learn to trust that it will be okay. It will turn out, things will be for the best. I have to be more open to trust and to myself. Love your Monday’s and this group of fun wonderful artists.
Thank you and great word ♥