1/5/2016 WOW a response!  I loved reading each and every word and ask my fella to pick a random number and that he did….Lucky Comment #10 Carisa is the winner!  Email me at [email protected] to claim your prize!  Thanks everyone for sharing!  MORE (my word) fun to come!


Well….I really struggled with my word of the year for 2016!  My prior year words have been wonderful to practice and share:

WRITE (2015)
BELIEVE (2014)
BREATHE (2013)
TRUST (2011)

I put it out there and got lots of suggestions and loved them!  It was hard to choose then I saw this……


and while I know there were lots of suggestions for me to slow down I decided the opposite.  I want MORE…………More of what I already enjoy in life such as this list.  Not a greedy MORE but just MORE opportunity to keep doing what I love, share what I love and be with those I love.  Not a wish for MORE time, more money or material things.  The loss of my good friend in 2015 taught me to make use of the time we have.  Not wish for more or regret what we did not do.  I want MORE of what MATTERS.  And knowing what matters at all times.  Keeping my feet firmly planted in the things that matter.  The things that I love are exactly those things; long walks, sunsets, tea, painting, laughing, being with my family and friends.  I love my work and what it means to me.  So MORE of those things………..

More1Please share and leave a comment with what your one word is for 2016 and what it means to you.  I will pick a random winner upon return from CHA to send a set of my brand new Totally Tracy 2016 stamps

Stamps5Thank you an amazing 2015 and being part my world.  What I give out comes back tenfold and there is MORE for all of us in 2016…

You touched people’s lives that you don’t even know about. You were protected from situations that you never saw coming, and so you don’t even know how big that protection was.  You overcame things that you weren’t expecting and you made it through days that sometimes you weren’t sure you could make it through.  You saw beautiful things, met beautiful people, and shared your beauty too. This year might have been a chapter that you are thankful is over, and it might have been one that made you laugh and that you will fondly remember. This year might be right in the middle of a chapter and story has not played out yet…..your story goes on from here.  This year you grew. This year you learned. This year you had 12 whole months of brand new experiences that are a part of YOUR story. This year your story was rich with ups and downs, tragedy and triumph. This year you made it through.” ~Brave Girls