Now I know most mother’s celebrate their Mother’s days with brunches, lunches, flowers, etc. I did get one of those items (2 dozen beautiful roses from Pete) but I chose to celebrate my Mother’s Day at Kids day at the Ramona Rodeo (go ahead and laugh). Yes at 11 am on Sunday I had three kids in the middle of a rodeo arena where I was stepping on fresh horse/bull patties, sweating my rear end off and chasing down my three kids. It was loads of fun (again proceed with laughter). I think this photo sort of sum’s up how I was feeling (Thanks Brenda for this candid shot!)
It was at this point I realized my hot jeans were not going to cut it.
This was where I could of run one of those Visa commercials…..
$40 for junk food,
$20 for rubber band shooter (another stupid move but I swear the sun was getting to me),
$10 in slurpees & candy,
TIME WITH KIDS………..priceless
Truthfully, we had a great time (when I was not yelling at them) and we sat with some great friends. I do have to say the shot of beer I had (another $4) cooled me down briefly. The rodeo was great and the kids all had a great time. And isn’t Mother’s Day all about how much fun the kids are having? Oh wait, that is Kid’s Day……….gee, every day is Kid’s Day around here.