Getting back to What I Love

After a very busy week of mailing boxes out (Helmar USA Design team is very happy), cleaning my office (so I can see my floor and not walk on a paper landmine), up-dating my list of deadlines, climbing Mt. Everest (ok, it only felt like it), and doing a bunch of...

The Ribbon Ring

The Ribbon Ring people contacted me to use their storage product and give my opinion.  You are offering me a solution to store my mass amounts of ribbon?  Count me in.  Let me tell you this simple little piece of plastic and a binder ring...

Mother Nature at Her Best

Went out on the mountain again for some exercise, fresh air and escape.  Now how is this for heaven on earth……..the fog was in and I was above it     My Favorite    I know you Midwest folk may be being...
Grandma, I love you

Grandma, I love you

I have had this idea to make an album of my grandma.  I am blessed to have the sweetest, nicest, most loving grandma in the whole world.  She is 93 years old and of late has not been in the best of health.  I hate being so far away at this time and...

The lucky….thankful winner!

Times up!  Thanks everyone for posting your thanks for the GIVEAWAY!  Our winner is………via Random drawing: Random Integer Generator Here are your random numbers:21 Timestamp: 2008-12-03 05:58:35 UTC Sandi in FL!  Please email me you...