Why I am doing it……Relay!

Why I am doing it……Relay!

I am competative….whatever I take on in life I do my best to tackle it. I persevere and put my heart into it. I am yet again reminded why I do the Relay for LIFE and thought I would share my thoughts….. This year I am preoccupied, I don't have time, my...
‘Fab’ulous News!

‘Fab’ulous News!

In honor of Monday's announcement from FabScraps announcing their new Design Team: I decided to pull out some of my favorite FabScraps items and play in my art journal.  Now one thing about me, I do not endorse or promote a company unless I use and...
Water color weekend……

Water color weekend……

It was a nice weekend filled with an exciting end to basketball season for one and a great start of soccer season for another…….that alone makes it a great weekend.  The weather was awesome and it was just relaxing….I woke up early...
A New Way to Share!

A New Way to Share!

I saw a quote on Pinterest (and wish I could give proper credit for the quote) that I love……. and know that this quote speaks to so many.  I see it by the awesome response I am getting to our art journaling together.  I love this...
LIVE Art Journaling! Part 2!

LIVE Art Journaling! Part 2!

As I was re-reading my title for this blog post I was wondering if anyone would read this as the verb "Live" to actually live art journaling or as the Adverb…….a "Live" performance and I realized that for me it is really...