The Zone

The Zone

I have been doing some reading about…being in the "Zone".  There is a scientific study on this called being in "Flow".  Yep, this really exists.  Flow is the mental state of operation in which a person in an activity is...
Walking THE Walk!

Walking THE Walk!

I am two days away from walking in the Relay for Life and I have raised $1100 to my NEW goal of $1200.  I raised over $1200 last year and I can do it again!  Thank you so much to those who have donated already on my behalf.  Every dollar counts and I...
Walking the Art Walk……

Walking the Art Walk……

What an amazing week it has been. Last weekend was one weekend that will be with me for a long time.  From start to finish my birthday weekend was amazing and I want to start with Sunday, my first Art Show.  The best way for me to share is with...

My First Art Show TODAY!

What an amazing weekend it has been and it is not even over!  I am excited for today…I am ready and my table is full of my art pieces.  I am excited to be amoung over 25 artists today displaying/selling my work at ArtWalk at Old California Restaurant...

Sights, Sounds and Smells of my Birthday

As I wake up the day after my birthday I am reflecting on the senses from the past few days…captured via my iPhone. The last few days celebrating have been amazing and so special. Words alone cannot express how grateful I feel. Many have said I know how to...