Hitting the Trails…

Hitting the Trails…

Sometimes things get a little out of whack in life.  Too much work, kids, sports, obligations, emails, etc.  Not enough YOU time.  Lately I have that the other stuff run me a bit and this morning I decided to take some time to walk my local Grasslands.  I am so lucky...
Gifts from the heART…Thank you!

Gifts from the heART…Thank you!

This journey called Art has brought me a long way.  It has carried me at times when I needed an outlet for feelings of frustration and love.  It has brought me to work with some amazing companies and people.  It has also led me to cross the paths of so many who I have...
My Creative Process

My Creative Process

The last few days I have returned to my watercolor journal and loving the creative process.  For me it is to grab my watercolors or watercolor markers and paint.  Then doodle.  I know lots of people who draw out their doodles and then color but I am all about letting...