I’m home and in more ways than one. Thanks everyone for Mixed Media Monday and the fun we had. We are changing and growing with Facebook LIVE. What a great MMM community we share! I painted in my art journal featuring the Media Line from DecoArt and Dynasty Brushes….
- Substrate: Canson Art Journal
- DecoArt Media Fluid Acrylics (Quin Magenta, Green Gold, Titan Buff, Pyrolle Red, Cadmium Orange Hue, Titanium White and Yellow Green Light)
- DecoARt Media Gesso (White)
- DecoArt Decoupage (Matte)
- DecoArt Spray Sealer (Gloss)
- Ink: StazOn Or Ranger
- Brushes: Dynasty: Black Silver #14 (4920), SC240 #18, Black Silver Round #6 (4970), 1/2 Dynasty Stencil Brush, 5/- Black Gold #206SL Liner Brush (Order from The Brush Guys and they give a 5% discount. Enter “twstudios” at checkout. You can order here: www.thebrushguys.com)
- DecoArt Brush & Stencil Cleaner
Remember if you are not logged in you cannot participate in the chat live. It is FREE and FUN! I love to see the chat going and the connections you all make while I am painting. Please enjoy the video HERE (please subscribe to my YouTube channel to be notified of new videos!).
It was a great night full of finger painting!……

Life will take things from you, and give things to you, gradually and continuously. It’s funny how we outgrow what we once thought we couldn’t live without, and then we fall in love with what we didn’t even know we wanted. Do your best to embrace life’s uncertainties. Some of the best chapters in your life won’t have a title you feel fully comfortable with until later.”