Art Projects, Canvas Creations, DecoArt
I am excited to share another project from the Studio which was also a fun class I recently taught (here) featuring DecoArt’s Americana line!: Please enjoy this video of my creative process HERE……… MATERIALS LIST: 12 X 12 Canvas DecoArt...
Art Projects, Canvas Creations, DecoArt, Mixed Media Mondays
What a great Mixed Media Monday to start our week!!! By request we mixed it up and used DecoArt Multi-Surface Acrylic Paints. I was happy to share this versatile paint with you all especially since the paints were all out from projects I am working on. Here is what...
Canvas Creations, DecoArt, Mixed Media Mondays
I am excited to kick off the month of October with Mixed Media Monday last night!! This one seemed to embrace the messy side of art but I managed to pull it together on this 12 X 12 canvas using DecoAret Media Line…… MATERIALS LIST: (DecoArt Products can be...