Today I am sharing the second part of my trip last week to NAMTA in Pittsburgh (PART 1) . One thing I love about painting as I travel is being able to drown out things, breathe,and relax which is valuable for me. I love a mix of paint, read, sleep, repeat. Often times my art stirs up conversation which in some regards I love but sometimes need that little bit of shut eye to make the travel go faster.
Here the next four I painted on my return trip which included gate changes and delay’s all which I never let get to me……
I have just a couple of pages left in this art journal and have to say it has been a pleasure to have it with me as my idea book. Class ideas, Mixed Media Monday themes, and more have come from it. That is a perfect traveling companion.
When a dream matters enough to a person, that person will find a way to achieve what at first seemed impossible. You know this is true. You know what you need to do. Do it. Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Put in the effort and live the life you’ve imagined. The only thing that can truly stop you, is YOU.”