Big Day Around Here

Big Day Around Here

Today was another busy one but fun.  Strange as it may sound but I had a cool experience taking something to Tyler’s school that he forgot.  I saw him out at recess and the kids were jumping rope.  He was one of the kids twirling the rope.  I...
Another Purse on my Wish List

Another Purse on my Wish List

Let me get this straight, I am not a purse girl but I found another perfect one! I found it in a magazine from our art museum and have to get it.  I wish I would have walked in to get it.  Here it is…..I think I have to have this bag.  Let’s...
Field Trip

Field Trip

Sunday we had a wonderful family day.  We went to brunch and then took all the  kids to the park to ride their bikes.  Unfortunately, they do not have the freedom to ride their bikes around our house due to busy roads so a trip to the park is so...

Opening Day!

Let the days of summer begin…..Opening Day of baseball was today for JoJo and Tyler.  It was a long day with two baseball games and one basketball game.  JoJo was up at the crack of dawn to put on his new uniform.  It was so early that dad was...