Kids say the Darnest Things

There are times I wish I owned a tape recorder and a muzzle.  Let’s talk about the tape recorder.  When you have two kids of the same age they talk a lot to one another and their "facts" are so tweaked and funny.  I wish so many times...

Working outside of the Box or off the Page

Recently I decided to take on more projects that are "off the page" or out of the box.  Heck, I may even work on a box next.  I got these great Dream Keeper kits that OESD sent me to work with. They are these great bare chipboard...
Design Team Toot!

Design Team Toot!

Pulling out the old horn here for a sec…….I got an email from a current Design Team.   As many of you know I have worked with Die Cuts With A View for years and recently they put out a notice to hire a whole new design team.  I applied and...
Sports Saturday

Sports Saturday

Just another day at the ballpark and the basketball courts.  First off, big congrats to the Shooters.  Tyler’s basketball team won their final game to end their season 9-1 and League Champs!  Great job.  From there we went to Joey’s...

Animated me

oh Friday how I love thee. I started out my day with a great workout.  This capped off a great week of working out and eating well.  Unfortunately, by the time I picked up Tyler I felt a headache coming on and laid down.  I slept for a bit and woke up...