Oh what an opportunity!

Sunday night Kelly and I made a last minute decision to go to Los Angeles for a photography seminar on Monday.  What an opportunity it was!  It is called the Total Truth Tour and oh what a host of talent there was!  The first speaker was Robert...

Play Ball! Baseball That is

Opening Day for baseball is today for the boys. Winter baseball is here………..let the games begin:  Then it was on to Tyler’s game………..nothing like baseball in the hot summer sun!  100 degrees out Sorry to say they...

Just shoot me now………

OK, so signing up three kids for three different sports at one time has to be one of the worst ideas I have ever had.  Saturdays are filled with three soccer games, Sunday’s two baseball games and Friday is all about gymnastics.  That does not even...

2nd Annual Back to School Kayak Trip

I feel blessed to live so close to the Pacific Ocean!  We just don’t take advantage of that enough but today I was reminded how beautiful it is. We had our 2nd Annual Mom Kayak trip to celebrate the kid’s return back to school.  It kind of feels...

The sweet smell of Pine Sol

Do you ever have one of those days where whatever you touch seems to give you a hard time?  Today was one hassle after another but as usual I took it with a smile and made the best of it.  Along with some hassles at work, a quick trip to the gym (cut short...