3 Months Ago….A Construction Journey

3 Months Ago….A Construction Journey

3 months ago to the exact day we were newly married by 2 days and earth movers arrived and we started this construction journey (November 18th to February 18th) . It is beyond mind blowing to think what we have taken on and tackled in 3 months.  There have been lots...
Play Ball…Go Aztecs!

Play Ball…Go Aztecs!

Right now the world is rather full in our household.  Besides the construction going on we are into basketball, volleyball and now college baseball season!  I am beyond proud of ALL the kids and wake up hoping each and every day they do their best, find their paths,...
If this dress could talk…

If this dress could talk…

I want to share something about a not so little dress.  I wore this September 9, 1995 at the age of 25 on my wedding day.  It had the longest train and was so heavy…. I wore it to a Princess party with my little Prince and Princess in 2005…..35 years old....
What are your gifts?

What are your gifts?

Many recent events and opportunities has me thinking about what are my gifts? Besides painting pretty pictures with flowers and hearts what are my gifts…what can I give? I truly believe that in life you may have a talent but that talent calls on lots of...