Tips for surviving a 5th Grade Field Trip

I am sending out a public service announcement to help mom’s everywhere.  This includes moms of all school age children and those who have yet to enter school.  I want to share my tips for not only surviving a Field Trip but also how to have a great...

A San Diego Padre likes my lens!

This morning we headed to the ball fields at 7:00 am for the final game of the season (Amen!).  I had no plans to spend the day there however the kids talked me into staying for closing ceremonies because Josh Bard, Catcher for the San Diego Padres was signing...

I feel old!

I moved to California in 1992.  I was young and had the world by the tail (is that even a saying?).  I had a new job and was the Midwest girl who moved to Cali.  When I moved here I lived with my friend Colleen and her family which at the time was her,...

Back on my Toes but 4 lbs Lighter!

What do you get when you cross the stomach flu and a baseball party………one crazy mom who has to function on no energy at all.  Yesterday was one bad day for this mommy but I am happy to report that today I am standing upright and lost four...

Contest Winner Announced

Our big winner is Lucky Number 1, Nichole!.  Woo hoo! Email me your addresses and that iTunes card is yours!  : True Random Number Service Random Integer Generator Here are your random numbers: 1 Timestamp: 2008-06-06 04:03:28 UTC Stay tuned for more...