Sports, sports and More Sports

The weekend is over.  Today we stuck true to our "7th Day of Rest" Theme.  We did absolutely nothing.  We needed this day after yesterday.  We pretty much camped out at the baseball fields.  It is so great having Pete off on...

A Drive Down Memory Lane

I had to do a Prom layout for Buttons Galore & More.  I do not have any current prom pictures so I had to go digging.  Here is is what I came up with.  No laughing at my hair (click on photo to enlarge).  Give me a break…it was the...

Hump Day!

Wow, time flies when you are having fun!  I have pushed myself at the gym all week and am happy to say that I am sore and feeling better than ever!  Today I burned over 500 calories in my spinning class….speaking of which I just found out that...

I’m A Card Maker!

Ok, not really but I am working outside the box and made three cards for Coronado Island Designs.  My new kick seems to be Krylon spray paints so I also am playing around a lot with those.  I am learning that it is wonderful to explore new avenues and create...

My Monday Announcement! (a little early)

a lI am allowed to shout out my Monday surprise since they announced the new Scrappin Sports Design Team 2007.  I am one of seven designers to be working with this great company.  I am very excited about it since I am knee-deep in sports and school...