TV Time

It was a big day of TV in our house.  I flipped on DIY Inside:  The Craft & Hobby Show 2007 where they featured some of my work with the Fruzzle Company.  They featured the Egg shape I made of Michaela in the preview.  Then they showed the...

Lots of Thank You’s!

I have lots of thank you’s to pass around but my first one goes to my hubby.  He did a great job taking over the kids activities and entertaining them while my friends and I celebrated National Scrapbook Day.  I know that task can be daunting when you...

Flowers Make My Day

Do I know my hubby or what?  I woke up Friday morning to Flowers and a beautiful card.  Pete does not always express himself verbally but has a tremendous knack for writing.  Then I was off and running to my class at the gym.  Our trainer brought...

Happy Birthday to Me……

So today I went to the gym and did something for the last time……..I punched in age 36 on the treadmill.  Yep, tomorrow (Friday) I launch into a new year.  And the first thing I got for my birthday is a head cold!  I am guessing that flowers...

MAY my favorite month!

Besides cleaning things off the floor to get ready for Saturday (my B-Day gig) I am busy gluing cute little Thank you Gifts.  I will share them this weekend because I am excited how they turned out.  May is one of my favorite months.  I love the...